

当学生毕业时, 退学, 或者降至半日注册状态以下, they have six months before the first payment is due on their subsidized and unsubsidized loans. 这被称为宽限期. 这段时间可以让学生在经济上安定下来, select a repayment plan and determine the amount of income needed to put toward student loans each month.

宽限期结束后的第一天开始支付. 第一笔付款将在还款期开始后的45天内到期. If students have subsidized loans, they will not be charged interest 在宽限期内. 如果学生有无补贴贷款, 他们将负责在宽限期内产生的利息. 借款人可以在宽限期内支付利息, or can allow it to accrue and be capitalized (added to the principal balance of the loan) when the loan enters repayment.

家长PLUS贷款没有宽限期. The repayment period for a PLUS loan begins on the day after the final loan disbursement is made. 然而, a parent may defer repayment of a PLUS loan while their child is enrolled in school on at least at half time basis and, 首次付款日期在7月1日或之后的PLUS贷款, 2008, 在他们毕业后的六个月, 撤回, 或者降至半日注册状态以下. A parent's first payment will be due within 45 days after their deferment ends. 了解更多关于宽限期的信息.


借款人可随时提前支付全部或部分贷款而不受处罚. 他们还可以选择要求更短的还款时间表. 在学生开始偿还贷款之后, any extra amount that they pay in addition to a regular required monthly payment will reduce the outstanding principal balance, 只要支付了应计利息和任何未付的滞纳金.


The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is The Department of Education's central database that stores information on all loans and grants made through the department's federal student aid programs. The information displayed includes all federal student loans as reported to NSLDS. Students must contact their specific loan servicer for more detailed information regarding loan(s).


利息是使用借来的钱的费用. Every borrower has to pay interest no matter what type of loan he or she has; education loans are no different.


The federal government pays the interest on subsidized loans while students are enrolled in school on at least a half time basis, 在宽限期内, 以及在其他特定时期.


Students who borrow an unsubsidized loan or a PLUS loan are responsible for paying the interest during all periods, 自第一笔贷款发放之日起计算. 借款人可以选择在利息累积时支付利息(例如, 在校期间或宽限期内), 或者让它累积起来,加到贷款的本金余额中. 这被称为“资本化”."

Although credit history is not taken into account when students receive federal subsidized and unsubsidized student loans, credit history will be affected if borrowers do not repay federal student loans under the repayment plan agreed to when they enter repayment.


A repayment incentive is a benefit that is offered to encourage students to repay loans on time. Under a repayment incentive program, the interest rate charged on a student's loans may be reduced. Some repayment incentive programs require that borrowers make a certain number of payments on time to keep the benefits of the repayment incentive.


  • 自动提款减息.


当开始偿还学生贷款的时候, borrowers can select a repayment plan that's right for their financial situation. 一般, 学生有10到25年的时间来偿还贷款, 这取决于他们选择的还款计划. The repayment plan options are generally the same in the Direct Loan and FFEL programs, except that the Income-contingent Repayment plan is available only in the Direct Loan Program, 收入敏感还款计划只适用于FFEL计划. The following repayment plans are available to Direct Loan and FFEL Program subsidized, 无资助及附加贷款借款人:

  • 标准还款计划
  • 分级还款计划
  • 延长还款计划
  • 按入息还款(IBR)
  • 收入敏感还款计划(只适用于FFEL计划贷款)
  • Income-Contingent Repayment Plan (for Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans and Direct PLUS Loans for Graduate and Professional Students)


If students don't choose a repayment plan or do not provide additional documentation that is required for certain repayment plans, the loan holder or loan servicer will place a borrower's loans on the 标准还款计划.

Students can switch repayment plans later if a different plan would work better for a current financial situation. 根据FFEL计划,学生每年可以更改一次还款计划. 根据直接贷款计划, a borrower can change plans any time as long as the maximum repayment period under the new plan is longer than the time your Direct Loans have already been in repayment. If students want to change repayment plans, they must contact the loan holder or loan servicer.

Except for periods of economic hardship deferment under the Income Based Repayment Plan, periods of deferment or forbearance do not count toward the maximum length of time borrowers have to repay your loans.

  • Students must make payments on their loans even if they do not receive a bill or repayment notice.
  • 为了方便借款人,帐单(或优惠券)被发送给借款人. Borrowers are obligated to make payments even if they don't receive any reminders. 联系你的贷方或贷款服务商,讨论设置自动还款.
  • Students must also make monthly payments for the full amount required by the repayment plan. 部分还款不履行按时偿还学生贷款的义务.
  • 如果借款人拖欠或部分还款, 他们可以立即联系贷款持有人或贷款服务商寻求帮助.
  • If students are having trouble making scheduled monthly payments, there are options to help. Borrowers may be able to lower monthly payments by changing to a different repayment plan or may be able to temporarily postpone payments through deferment or forbearance.
  • 如果学生申请延期或宽容, they must continue to make payments until they have been notified that the request has been approved.


Under certain circumstances borrowers can receive a deferment or forbearance that allows them to temporarily postpone making loan repayments. Except for periods of economic hardship deferment under the Income-Based Repayment Plan, periods of deferment or forbearance do not count toward the maximum length of time students have to repay their loans.

申请延期或延期不是自动的. 借款人必须与贷款持有人或贷款服务机构联系.