
政策j - 300


  1. The Gateway District recognizes that in order to operate a meaningful 教育al program and a safe environment for students and staff, 本行为准则将得到遵守.
  2. The Gateway District believes every student has the right to pursue an 教育 free from disruption, 骚扰, 非法活动, 威胁, 或危险. The District further believes that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental to the 教育al mission of this College. Every student is expected to comply with the standards set and to be familiar with all the rules, 规定, 盖特威技术学院的政策.
  3. 在日常生活中, any student or group of students may be denied access to the classroom upon the instructor’s determination that their behavior impedes student learning, 同龄人的健康和安全, 自我, 或者工作人员. 教师将通知学生他们被拒绝进入. The dean of campus affairs will also be notified by the end of the working day.



  1. 学生应该遵守所有的机构规定, 联邦, 状态, 县, 以及市政政策, 法例及条例.
  2. 在任何时候, students are expected to conduct themselves in such a manner as not to interfere with the 教育al process at Gateway Technical College.
  3. Students will conduct themselves in such a manner as not to endanger the 安全 or welfare of their fellow students.
  4. 学生必须遵守以下规定,并可能受到纪律处分, 包括下列违规者的停职或开除:
    1. Obstruction or disruption of the normal operations of the College or activities authorized by the College.
    2. 身体或言语虐待, 骚扰, or detention of any person(s) on school property or at school activities when such endangers the health, 安全, 或这些人的权利.Theft or damage to property of the College or property of any visitor or member of the Gateway Technical College community.
    3. Unauthorized entry to or use of Gateway Technical College property or facilities.
    4. 不诚实, 其中包括但不限于, 故意向学院提供虚假资料, 剽窃, 或者任何形式的欺骗.
    5. 使用, 在…的影响下, 占有, 贩卖或分销麻醉药品或非法药品, 枪支, 炸药, 危险化学品, 酒精饮料, 等. 在Gateway拥有或租赁的财产上,或在Gateway赞助的活动上.
    6. Possession of a dangerous weapon on school premises or at school-related events.


The following procedures have been developed to deal with a student who has failed to comply with this policy.

步骤1. 在收到指控的违规行为后, the appropriate dean of campus affairs will be assigned to investigate the charges. The dean of campus affairs may temporarily suspend a student pending an investigation when the student’s continued presence might cause continued academic disruption or endanger the student or others.

步骤2. If the investigation determines that the college has reasonable cause to believe that a student has pursued a course of conduct which is contrary to Gateway policy and requires sanction(s), 校园事务主任可以采取适当的措施. 在行动后的两(2)天内, 学生应得到书面通知, 以挂号信或专人递送, 调查结果和实施的制裁. The notice will also provide the information necessary for the student to appeal the sanctions if he/she wishes.

步骤3. 如果学生上诉的话, he/she must notify the executive vice president/provost in writing within five (5) working days of receipt of the letter. 学生将收到书面通知, 以挂号信或专人递送, of the time and place of the hearing before a disciplinary committee composed of the executive vice president/provost or designee, 工作人员, 还有一个学生. Said hearing shall be held no less than two (2) working days nor more than seven (7) calendar days from the date the student receives the above notice of hearing. The student shall be provided the name(s) of the witnesses testifying against him/her and a copy of the initial investigation results that was conducted by the dean of campus affairs.

步骤4. 在纪律委员会的任何听证会上, the student shall have the right to present testimony on his/her own behalf and call witnesses.

步骤5. 委员会应发出一份日期, (给学生的)通知学生决定的书面命令. 订单可由专人递送或以挂号信方式寄送.


The following sanctions may be imposed to students who fail to comply with this policy.

  1. 警告: 发给学生 who has committed a minor violation of this policy and doesn’t pose a continued concern for the college.
  2. 纪律试用期: 发给学生 who has committed a violation of this policy and will face additional sanctions if any additional violations occur during a specified time frame.
  3. 悬架: 发给学生, 在指定的时间范围内, 谁选了专业, 严重或持续违反本政策.
  4. 解雇: 永久删除, 发给已选定专业的学生, 严重或持续违反本政策.
  5. 限制: 发给学生 who has committed a violation of this policy and the resolution is a limitation on the student’s access to identified services, 位置, 教育, 社区活动或人士. 在指定的时间范围内发布.
  6. 赔偿: 发给学生 who has committed a violation of this policy that resulted in staff, 机构或其他学生的经济损失. 是否可作为返回或继续在学院就读的条件.
  7. 推荐: 发给学生 who has committed a violation of this policy and it’s determined that continued participation at the college is contingent upon the student attending designated services (college or private vendor) or programs. May be issued 在指定的时间范围内 or as permanent and may be issued as a condition of return or continued attendance in the college.
  8. 失去特权: 发给学生 who has committed a violation of this policy and it is determined that the student may continue attendance in the college with permanent limitations on the student’s access to identified service, 位置, 或者教育社区活动.
  9. 没有联系: 发给学生 who has committed a violation of this policy and it is determined that the student may continue attendance in the college with permanent limitations on the student’s access/contact with an identified individual(s) or groups of student and/or staff.

这些制裁在本质上并不是渐进的. A student may be issued one or more of these sanctions in response to an incident. The college will determine level of sanction based on the severity of the incident or series of incidents.